workExchange 换宿及停止

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Today i made a decision that stop working exchange for accommodation in hostel.
I’m very lucky to get this chance a month ago when I arrived Dunedin. It saves accommodation fee, that’s really expensive. Doing this, I could live in Dunedin and looked job slowly.

this job is need one and a half hour everyday, include changing sheets, cleaning kitchen and bathroom, vacuuming. Hiromi has more experience than me, she teach me a lot. the first week, I’m not so good about it, but later, I can do it fast and tidy.

Recently I get more work from store, it’s a part time job. And I begin to learn German, do more programming projects, time is not enough, but money is more and more, it’s not what I want. I don’t want save money, instead, I want spend them all in NZ, that means I have unique experience here.

Luckily, Melanie would like to go work exchange after I quit, that means we can stay together longer and German lessons will be continue. She is so good at making dessert. I want to learn that from her also.

I’m very happy I can have more time to study and taste NZ. Hope one day you come here for fun.

过去的一个月在旅馆换宿, 每天一个半小时旅馆家务, 可以在旅馆免费住. 对我来说很划算. 旅馆地理位置不错, 距离市中心很近, 到哪里都方便. 在这也认识了很多朋友, 会接着在这住下去, 只是不再做旅馆家务.

其他的兼职时间更集中, 赚到的也足够花了. 我发现账户存款变多, 觉得不对劲, 来这里不是为了赚钱, 而是来这花钱. 把赚到的都花了, 才能证明真的有体验当地.

当然, 青旅换宿是非常好的进入一个城市的办法. 住宿费是一笔不小的开销, 节省了这笔, 就可以慢慢的在城市里找工作了. 当工作稳定了, 再退出换宿.

对别人来说可能会比较枯燥, 对我来说则不是. 过去我很不爱做家务, 也因此和先生争论多次, 他对我也无可奈何. 但是在这里, 我和另外一个女孩一个半小时打扫完整个旅馆. 我很享受全心全意地把事情做好, 至少不能输给别人, 也希望别人认为我是一个负责任的人. 刚开始做的比较慢, 一个星期以后就又快又好, 不需要那么多时间了.

不做换宿, 因此有了更多的时间, 在我固定的时间表上, 这部分可以用于学习, 转化为心流时间, 之前可以保证每天一个心流时间, 也就是早上编程的两个小时, 现在又多了两个小时, 争取继续学习.

我的编程项目增加, 还增加德语学习, 认识的朋友也渐渐多起来. 相约玩耍的次数也多了, 是好事. 总之, 下周就解放啦(其实并没有, 因为那也是乖乖待在电脑前的学习时间.

整体来说很开心, 如果你也有机会的话, 来新西兰看看, 住住整洁舒适温暖热情的青旅.